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Clickertown Funkette- Sarah

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Thank you for visiting Clickertown: Home of the Monkey and of the Funky. We hope you will become a regular in our town. Here, we believe in good people, good times and good fun. Please check out the links to the left, especially our designs and 4-Sale. We are continuing to guage demand on a number of different original Clickertown monkey designs (Funky Monkey, Naughty Monkey, The Monkey, Love Monkey, Baby Love Monkey, and Peek-a-Boo Monkeys), and the apparel/products our citizens would like to see them on. Please let us know what you like, and how we can better meet the desires of our town members via a few short and fun design polls and surveys, which should take a combined total of about 10 minutes (2 minutes or so for each). All seven premier designs are ready for your feedback, which are the first of many monkey designs. The information you give us in the polls and surveys concerning each design and the apparel products you would like to see them on helps us to decide what to produce. We are doing small limited runs to start-off with. In addition, joining the e-newsletter and/or the social sites to the upper-right, especially our Facebook Page, will help keep you informed of new designs and releases of our designs on productss, including specials. Also, like any town, Clickertown is a constant work in progress, please visit us often. Moreover, a big thank you goes out to all of the town folk who have given feedback since the launch, it has been extremely helpful!
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